Read all about the
Pure Love Difference
We are not:
A kennel!
A puppy mill!
A backyard breeder!
Our litters are planned, and closely monitored by veterinary professionals. ​
Our dogs:
Are allowed on every piece of furniture.
Regularly see a vet.
Are loved by many ages of family members.

ESI & ENS days 3-16
We include the Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) exercises, which are conducted once daily from the third to the 16th days, a period believed to be a time of rapid neurological growth and development.
1. Tactile stimulation
2. Head held erect
3. Head pointed down
4. Supine position
5. Thermal stimulation
Five benefits have been observed in canines that were exposed to ENS, including improved cardio vascular performance (heart rate); stronger heart beats; stronger adrenal glands; more tolerance to stress; and greater resistance to disease.
In tests of learning, ENS stimulated pups were more active and exploratory than their non- stimulated littermates, according to Breeding Better Dogs.
ESI, or Early Scent Introduction, a training method that involves introducing a pungent scent to puppies from day three to day sixteen. The puppies' reactions to the scent are recorded, with a positive reaction being when a puppy moves towards the scent with their nose highly engaged. The benefits of ESI have been studied in a seven-year breeding test, which showed positive results. Gayle Watson PhD conducted the test with Gaylan's Golden Retriever litters, and the outcome showed a broad distance between the ESI pups, and the non ESI pups in title, and rate of brain growth.
Puppy Culture & Bada** Breeders protocols
Based on the premise that puppies learn best through appropriate experiences at the appropriate time, Puppy Culture teaches you to observe your puppy and provide them with the optimal experience or lesson based on their behavioral markers.
Jeanette Forrey is the creator of Badass Breeders education program, she lives by the fact that puppies are amazing creatures that deserve the best possible start in life. By providing them with emotional support, meeting their needs in a structured way, and evaluating them before placement, we can ensure that they grow up to be confident and happy dogs. Our approach is designed to honor and respect each puppy, both with their breeder and with their new human family.
Appropriate challenges at appropriate times
Days 3-16
Days 17-19
Week 3 & 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Early scent introduction and early neurological stimulation are crucial for giving our puppies a head start in developing their skills and self-regulation. By introducing them to different scents and providing gentle stimulation, we can help them grow into well-rounded and confident dogs. Our commitment to these practices ensures that our puppies receive the best possible start in life.
Easy startling. We will bring a few different common sounds near to their safe environment with mom, and begin the process of a startle, and recover response. Ex. Vacuum in the next room with door open.
We begin our 10 step gentle handling. This helps a puppy to become less reactive and compliant.This includes (cover eyes, touch mouth, nose, ears, tail, paws, tails, tap and touch nails, rub belly, and back and touch around and under collar.) We also begin recalling ("Puppy, puppy, puppy!"), acknowledging desirable behaviors ("Yes!), and bringing safe and soft items to introduce to the puppies environment.
10 step handling, with increased pressure, and opening of the mouth. Continue with recall ("Puppy, puppy, puppy!"), and continue with acknowledging desirable behavior ("Yes!"). Puppies also get to eat some mush!
10 step handling, with increased pressure, and opening of the mouth. Continue with recall ("Puppy, puppy, puppy!"), and continue with acknowledging desirable behavior ("Yes!"). We also introduce them to different locations, around our home and begin puppy play times in those locations.
10 step handling, with patting up and down the back. Continue with recall ("Puppy, puppy, puppy!"), and continue with acknowledging desirable behavior ("Yes!"). Puppy play time is also continued daily. We will introduce them to a neutral dog, also residing in our home.
Week 8